Movendi International

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77th WHA Individual Statements

Agenda Item: 
- Group 1.1. Items 11.1 and 11.2

We share the Secretariat’s concern that existing health systems face high costs jeopardizing their sustainability and capacity. Globally, alcohol contributes to 20% of injuries in emergency department presentations alone. In this situation we call for greater focus on high-impact interventions that reduce healthcare burden and costs, raise government revenue, and promote health equity. Raising alcohol excise taxes is a triple win solution.
Alcohol harm remains a major driver of the global NCDs burden. Latest GBD data shows that cancer caused by alcohol is rising. We call for more technical support at the country level to implement the SAFER alcohol policy blue print. Two years after the adoption of the WHO Global Alcohol Action Plan, we call on the Secretariat to provide the first progress report. And we call for a dedicated space at the upcoming high-level meeting on NCDs to chart latest science, alcohol policy initiatives and best practices to protect against alcohol industry interference in efforts to prevent and reduce cancer, cardiovascular disease, mental ill-health, and other major NCDs.