International Federation of Medical Students' Associations

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77th WHA Constituency Statements

Agenda Item: 
- Group 1.3. Items 11.7

Distinguished delegates, Excellencies and Honourable Chairperson,

At every birth, death still knocks at the door! Progress toward healthcare delivery in fragile contexts, quality, and coverage of health care services are far from the expected pace. We recognize the critical need to accelerate progress toward SDG targets for maternal and child mortality reduction. The need for changes in how we design health systems so they cater to specific needs of mothers, pregnant people, newborns, children and adolescents have to happen now.

We commend and fully support the draft resolution proposed. We call upon all member states, recognizing the crucial role each one plays, to strengthen and reaffirm their commitment to advancing progress in Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent health.

We call on all member states to:
1. Ensure women, children and adolescents have equitable access to high quality healthcare services including access to sexual and reproductive health services without discrimination or coercion, and integrate MNCH services as essential, uninterrupted elements of healthcare packages, especially during emergencies, including climate emergencies, and humanitarian settings.
2. Build the capacity of healthcare providers to deliver high-quality, patient centered and respectful antenatal, postnatal, postpartum and pediatric care that is rights-based, culturally sensitive, holistic, non-discriminatory and respectful of bodily autonomy.
3.Improve gender and age disaggregated data collection, analysis and use on the accessibility and quality of care, particularly for specific demographics of mothers and children, such as those who face multiple forms of discrimination, for example, those with disabilities, are refugees and migrants, or are from indigenous communities.
4. Facilitate community-led and Government-supported health promotion programs, including comprehensive sexuality education, HIV and AIDS education programs, and parenting programs to improve health literacy.
5. Promote robust healthcare system structures for better neonatal and child care, with an emphasis on Primary Health Care, including implementing newborn screening and vaccination programs.

In conclusion, we urge member states to take whole-of-government, whole-of-society approaches in our collective efforts to reduce maternal and child mortality.

Contact Person: Dr. Arwa Hany Sharaby, Liaison Officer to the World Health Organization -