International Council of Nurses

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77th WHA Individual Statements

Agenda Item: 
- Group 1.1. Items 11.1 and 11.2

The International Council of Nurses (ICN), representing the over 28 million nurses globally, supports the letter to Ministers of Health signed by ICN President, newly
appointed as Co-Chair of UHC2030, and urges Member States to adopt the
resolution on social participation. UHC will not be achieved without prioritizing
equitable, diverse and inclusive participation by people in vulnerable and
marginalized situations. ICN calls on governments to care for those billions of people
most left behind.

Nurses are essential to implement, strengthen and sustain regular and meaningful
social participation in health-related decisions as they are the vital link to people
and communities across the life course and are the spine of PHC. ICN urges Member
States to optimize and increase investments in education, employment and
retention of the nursing workforce to achieve UHC.