The Task Force for Global Health, Inc.

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77th WHA Individual Statements

Agenda Item: 
- Group 2.1. Items 13.1, 13.2 and 14.1 (Doc A77/11 and A77/4)

(14.1) WHO’s work in health emergencies (Documents A77/11 and A77/4)

The Task Force for Global Health commends Member States and WHO for the progress made in strengthening systems for pandemic preparedness and response despite a challenging global context. We echo WHO’s statement that “there is a need for responses in humanitarian contexts to not only meet the urgent short-term health needs but also to build strategic resilience.” We recommend the following actions:

- Accelerate health workforce development to increase national and global capacities for pandemic preparedness and response, other health emergencies and essential
public health functions;
- Continue supporting over 85 Field Epidemiology Training Programs and scale-up
investments to further enhance national and global capacities in detecting
disease outbreaks;
- Strengthen National Public Health Institutes to ensure multi-disciplinary and
multi-sectoral approach to addressing public health emergencies;
- Continue supporting the Global Health Emergency Corps to scale-up surge workforce capacity for emerging global health challenges.