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77th WHA Individual Statements

Agenda Item: 
- Item 18 Sustainable financing: WHO investment round

The WHO has presented a global programme of work and made the investment case to fund it. Oxfam has been advocating for adequate financing of WHO that is sustained, predictable, flexible and that enables WHO to be the independent authority that we all rely on.

While grants from philanthropy and even the public could add useful resources, these are not adequate to get the level of funding needed or to ensure WHO independence in deciding where the funds go. Commercial contributions especially from pharmaceutical companies risk conflict of interest and must be avoided.

In the current political environment of anti science, anti women’ reproductive rights and where commercial interest overrides public health especially in access to medical technologies, there is more demand for WHO to enhance science based evidence, protection of women’s health and to put public health above commercial interest.

Therefore we urge member states to focus on raising their assessed contribution and non ear marked funding for WHO .