International Baby Food Action Network

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77th WHA Individual Statements

Agenda Item: 
- Group 2.1. Items 13.1, 13.2 and 14.1 (Doc A77/11 and A77/4)

We witness in horror the worst human catastrophe in recent times with refugees now a permanent emergency. Breastfeeding is a lifeline and should not be forgotten. Emergency responses should include skilled breastfeeding support, skin-to-skin, re-lactation and wet nursing. The Code, IFE Operational Guidance and IFE materials are key tools in emergency preparedness and response.
Responses relying on the provision of products and short term Ready to use products should never be inappropriately promoted or commercially exploited and must never undermine breastfeeding, indigenous complementary foods or culturally acceptable local food solutions when possible.
WHOs operational work must not undermine its norm-setting role that must be protected with transparent, sustainable funding, free from commercial influence.
Lastly, the deprivation of food, water and medical supplies should never be imposed as a weapon of war.