Women in Global Health, Inc.

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77th WHA Individual Statements

Agenda Item: 
- Item 17 Draft fourteenth general programme of work, 2025–2028

Thank you Chair,

We commend WHO on a progressive GPW14 and engaging stakeholders. Women in Global Health, with 56 national chapters, calls for a gender-transformative implementation of the GPW through:

1- Adopting stronger disaggregated and gender-responsive outcomes and indicators, building on its predecessor, including but not limited to sex and gender disaggregation, to be truly transformative in its implementation.
2- Intentional, concrete and gender-transformative implementation of the Human Resources for Health goals across its priority areas as women health workers, including community health workers, are at the core of health systems.
3- Prioritising equal leadership for women in health at community, national, regional and global levels as a strategic catalyst for achieving the overarching goal and objectives of the GPW.

We remain ready to support WHO in delivering GPW14.

Thank you,