The Save the Children Fund

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77th WHA Constituency Statements

Agenda Item: 
- Group 1.3. Items 11.7

We are deeply concerned by the slow and unequal progress on women’s, children’s and adolescents’ health.

Data shows that the world is far from achieving universal coverage of sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health services, and we know that conflicts and the climate crisis will continue to undermine progress. Countries affected by humanitarian crises carry the highest burden of maternal and newborn mortality, respectively 58% and 38% of deaths, yet life-saving interventions for mothers and newborns are not sufficiently funded or prioritized in these contexts.

In addition to tackling the immediate health and nutrition needs of women, children and adolescents, it is crucial to reduce inequalities and improve health outcomes and wellbeing, including by addressing social determinants of health, gender inequality and other forms of discrimination.

In line with the much welcome resolution in front of us, we call on Member States to:
- Expand coverage and financial protection for quality health and nutrition services for women, children and adolescents across the continuum of care;
- Invest in a strong health and care workforce, including nurses, midwives, obstetrician gynaecologists, nutritionists, and community health workers, to improve the delivery of inclusive, comprehensive health and nutrition services;
- Strengthen primary health care and community-based services to more effectively prevent, diagnose and treat the causes of maternal, newborn and child death and to promote good health and nutrition;
- Provide quality, accessible and rights-based sexual and reproductive health services to women, girls, adolescents in all their diversity, and other groups in vulnerable and marginalized situations;
- Promote the systematic collection and analysis of disaggregated data by disability, gender and age;
- Prioritize and plan for the delivery of essential health and nutrition interventions, including routine immunization, to women, children and adolescents in humanitarian and fragile settings.

We commend Somalia’s leadership in calling attention to the gaps that must be urgently addressed to achieve the SDG3 targets. Moving forward, more effective coordination and implementation of existing strategies, policies and investment, including in fragile and humanitarian settings, is critical to end preventable maternal and child deaths.