The World Medical Association, Inc.

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77th WHA Individual Statements

Agenda Item: 
- Group 2.2. Items 14.1 (A77/12), 14.2 and 14.3

Item 14.3: Global Health and Peace Initiative (GHPI)

Honourable Chair, Distinguished Delegates,

While recognizing the potential benefits of the GHPI, the WMA is concerned that it could compromise the key principle of medical neutrality, protected by International Humanitarian Law.

We therefore strongly recommend that the resolution you are considering includes a call to all Member States and stakeholders to safeguard the integrity and safety of healthcare personnel in carrying out their ethical duties and to uphold the right to health for all with no discrimination.

The WMA, which represents more than 10 million physicians worldwide, unreservedly condemns the ongoing attacks and misuse of healthcare, including in Gaza, Sudan and Ukraine. We urge you to support the plea of the World Health Professions Alliance (WHPA) for the protection of healthcare facilities and personnel in areas of conflict, in accordance with international law.

Thank you.