World Federation of Public Health Associations

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77th WHA Individual Statements

Agenda Item: 
13.4 Intergovernmental Negotiating Body to draft and negotiate a WHO convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response

As the next pandemic looms ever nearer, we must remind member states that political theater will not solve a future crisis and that short-term profits will fail to safeguard even the wealthiest among us. We live in a rich ecosystem of countries, people, and various life, all of which are deeply interconnected. As such, everyone – particularly the most vulnerable among us – must be equally protected if we hope to confront the next pandemic better than the one that has already befallen us, if we hope to emerge safely as individuals and as a society. This means that each nation must be furnished with adequate financing and resources, including relevant information and technology and that any approved document must provide a transparent, legally binding process to ensure equity and therefore sufficient fortification to confront the next pandemic. The time for nitpicking and empty words is over – the time for action is now. We must foster a robust multilateral system instead of tearing it apart.