Stichting Health Action International

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77th WHA Individual Statements

Agenda Item: 
- Item 15.4 Climate change, pollution and health

Thank Chair,
Health Action International and Salud por Derecho welcome this resolution and the inclusion of climate change as a strategic priority in the 14th General Programme of Work of the WHO.
Nevertheless, we urge the WHO to adopt stronger, evidence-based language, including explicit mentions of emissions from fossil fuels as the main cause of climate change and poor air quality, and on the role of industry and transportation as major emission sources.
Those least responsible for climate change are the most affected, including those displaced because of it, who often lack access to healthcare in destinations. Member States and WHO should guide their work by the principles of Just Transition and Climate Justice and adopt a zero-emissions agenda.
We need greater financing and cooperation with the Global South, placing health as the core of mitigation and adaptation efforts.
Thank you.