The Save the Children Fund

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77th WHA Constituency Statements

Agenda Item: 
15.4 Climate change, pollution and health

The climate crisis has devastating impacts on the realization of human rights, including the right to health, food, water and sanitation and to a healthy environment. It presents an unprecedented challenge to the achievement of universal health coverage and deepens existing inequalities and vulnerabilities. It is therefore essential to work collectively to build health systems that are resilient and leave no one behind.

We welcome the resolution on climate change and health, in particular:
- the acknowledgement that climate change exacerbates inequalities and disproportionately impacts the most vulnerable. These include women, children, older people, those with existing health conditions, persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples and displaced people;
- the recognition of the urgency for the health sector to invest in mitigation and adaptation measures for health systems to become more sustainable and resilient to the adverse effects of climate change;
- the call for an integrated, holistic approach that recognizes the interlinkages between the environment, livelihoods, health, nutrition and sustainable development as essential for addressing the root causes of vulnerabilities and to building resilience;
- the commitment to enhance climate-health early warning systems, emergency preparedness and response, and improve data, including data disaggregated by sex, age, disability for evidence-based decision-making.

To effectively implement the resolution, we call on Member States to:
- Develop holistic, equitable, gender-responsive and age and disability-sensitive national action plans that are informed by evidence and consistent with National Adaptation Plans;
- Partner with communities in the development of locally-led climate and health adaptation and mitigation measures, given their unique contextual knowledge and expertise, and role as first-responders during crises;
- Secure resources to transform health systems and enhance inclusivity, resilience, and sustainability and to build capacities of front-line communities;
- Establish robust coordination mechanisms across sectors, civil society, UN agencies to develop, implement and monitor policies and programmes on climate change and health.

We are committed to supporting this agenda in multilateral fora and through our programmatic work, and we look forward to working with the WHO Secretariat and Member States on the development of a Global Plan of Action on Climate Change and Health.