Public Services International

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77th WHA Individual Statements

Agenda Item: 
- Group 3.1. Items 15.1, 15.2, 15.3 and 15.5

PSI supports the recommendations of the Council on the Economics of Health for All. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the interconnection between health and the economy, and demonstrated government’s ability to implement swift policy changes. It also showed that vested interests must be confronted to pursue an economic strategy prioritising health over wealth.
This would entail restructuring the global financial architecture away from market-based solutions, debt relief, prioritising health as a public good, far-reaching intersectoral action which address the social determinants of health, and the active involvement of civil society and communities.
We urge Member States to walk the talk of the Alma Ata Declaration of an international economic order that puts people over profit, to enable health for all in our time.