Movendi International

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77th WHA Individual Statements

Agenda Item: 
- Item 17 Draft fourteenth general programme of work, 2025–2028

Movendi International welcomes the GPW14.
We support that alcohol is addressed as cross-cutting risk factor in NCDs and communicable diseases. We applaud that action on alcohol is becoming the priority it should be. Not only have member states identified alcohol harm as public health priority but latest Global Burden of Disease data show that alcohol continues to be the world’s biggest risk factor for disease and death among the 15 to 49-year olds.
The SAFER alcohol policy blue print holds significant potential to help achieve the strategic priorities of the triple billion target. We call on the Secretariat to better identify and utilize the potential of alcohol policy across all affected global health priorities.
The GPW14 should bolster WHO’s normative and leadership function in alcohol policy. These functions need to be underpinned by technical support for member states to fully implement the best buys and unlock the return on investment from alcohol policy making.