Medicus Mundi International – Network Health for All

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77th WHA Individual Statements

Agenda Item: 
- Item 15.4 Climate change, pollution and health

The ecological crisis is the greatest health crisis of our time and exacerbates existing inequalities. We welcome the adoption of the report and climate resolution. However, both are insufficient to protect health as they fail to address the commercial determinants of the ecological crisis.
Demands for endless economic growth drive continuous exploitation of people and the planet. Plastics are a byproduct of petroleum. However, the health and ecological harms caused by fossil fuel extractivism are inadequately acknowledged in WHO’s proposed work on the Plastics Treaty.
MS must acknowledge common but differentiated responsibilities. High-income countries, given their historic responsibility, should steeply reduce emissions and environmental pollution and pay climate reparations to protect health for all.
To achieve just climate transitions, community-based climate solutions are crucial. Universal health care and comprehensive primary care must be at the heart of building climate-resilient health systems to ensure health for all.