Medicus Mundi International – Network Health for All

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77th WHA Individual Statements

Agenda Item: 
- Group 3.1. Items 15.1, 15.2, 15.3 and 15.5

Fossil fuel extractivism pollutes water and air, agro-industries exploit land and people, and war industries profit from destruction. We call on WHO to analyse these processes by focusing on the social determination of health, moving beyond isolated factors.

We call for the SDH report to include proposals on progressive taxation, reparations for colonial damage, and the regulation of health harming industries. We request WHO to specify the publication date of the report. We urge Member States to finance the SDH secretariat adequately to ensure the report’s implementation.

Replacing metrics alone won’t create just economies. Recognizing the link between health and economics is meaningless if we ignore that the war industry, IPR, extractive foreign direct investment, trade agreements, and unjust global financial and debt systems harm health.

Public financing for the common good should strengthen public institutions. MS should invest in state-owned infrastructure for R&D and manufacturing of health technologies.