Médecins Sans Frontières International

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77th WHA Individual Statements

Agenda Item: 
- Group 1.2. Items 11.3, 11.4 and 11.5

The End TB Strategy report shows that the world is far away from meeting targets to prevent, diagnose and treat tuberculosis (TB). MSF calls on all governments, donors and global TB actors to turn commitments made at the 2023 UN High-level Meeting on TB into reality by scaling up the required resources, and making tests and medicines available to all people affected by TB, especially to the most vulnerable, such as children.

It is unacceptable that 1.25 million children fall ill and 200,000 die of TB every year. That’s 1 child dying of TB every 3 minutes. All countries should update and align their national policies with the latest WHO guidelines and ensure that the policies are implemented so that all children with TB can access the tests and therapies that can save their lives.