International Council for Commonality in Blood Banking Automation Inc.

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77th WHA Constituency Statements

Agenda Item: 
- Group 1.1. Items 11.1 and 11.2

Honourable Chair, Distinguished delegates,

In reference to item 11.2. Follow-up to the political declaration of the third high-level meeting of the General Assembly on the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases, we warmly welcome the proposed resolution on Increasing availability, ethical access and oversight of transplantation of human cells, tissues and organs. These Medical Products of Human Origin (MPHO) are life-saving and life-changing including for patients with noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) such as cardiovascular diseases, cancers, and diabetes. Furthermore, transplantation can be highly cost-effective, for example, for kidney failure or sickle-cell disease in LMICs. This resolution is a much-needed reminder of the continued need for action.

We urge Member States to:
• Prioritize transplantation as a cost-effective therapeutic approach and ensure availability through national health systems for procuring human cells, organs and tissues from donors
• Put in place and apply appropriate regulations including consent, transparent allocation mechanisms and appropriate supporting care structures
• Provide appropriate pre-transplantation evaluation and effective follow-up care for patients and donors
• Ensure that recipients and donors have access to unambiguous information on the risks and benefits of these therapies
• Make data collection and reporting to registries an integral component of treatment practices
• Ensure that biovigilance systems for monitoring transplantation from deceased and living donors are functioning effectively before supporting xenotransplantation

We urge WHO to:
• Ensure that the WHO Guiding Principles on Human Cell, Tissue and Organ Transplantation are revised to reflect current medical and technical advances and their ethical and economic implications
• Design sector-specific Action Frameworks
• Support Member States in establishing robust biovigilance systems to systematically monitor serious adverse reactions and incidents in the transplantation chain, to make their application safer and more effective.
• Support member states in establishing the required infrastructure, training professionals and providing access to the necessary medicines

As Non-State Actors, we are ready to contribute to designing the necessary strategy to make the resolution effective. We urge Member States to adopt this resolution in the interests of patients in need around the world.
Thank you