International Baby Food Action Network

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77th WHA Individual Statements

Agenda Item: 
- Group 1.3. Items 11.6, 11.7, and 11.8

The most vulnerable members of our society are often the ones hardest hit by conflicts and emergencies. One of the most important safeguards for maternal health and the prevention of child mortality is breastfeeding.

It is the foundation for all 17 SDGs. It is the single most effective intervention in preventing deaths in children under five. And for mothers, it has a preventive effect on hypertension, Type II diabetes and breast cancer. Women have the right to feed their babies as they wish, but those rights cannot be fulfilled without support and protection from misleading marketing that promotes unnecessary, expensive, ultra-processed products.

Member States have a sovereign right and duty to adopt equitable, effective laws to protect citizens, make climate-smart decisions and prevent harmful marketing. We welcome the draft decision proposed by Somalia and other countries.