International Baby Food Action Network

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77th WHA Individual Statements

Agenda Item: 
- Group 3.1. Items 15.1, 15.2, 15.3 and 15.5

WHO should be proud of the materials on marketing it has produced under Dr Tedros’ tenure. The guidance on digital marketing of baby feeding products is a key part of the package that will help governments lower health care costs and save lives.

IBFAN is pleased that Brazil, Mexico, Peru and many other countries will be tabling a Resolution to support the Guidance. Digital marketing is now out of control with companies paying influencers and deceptive
schemes that manipulate parents and convince them that their expensive, risky,
environmentally wasteful products are essential for children’s health.

The Guidance doesn’t prevent any person buying products they need but could stop misleading marketing at source. A WHA resolution would help Member States protect optimal infant and young child feeding without fear of trade challenges.