International Baby Food Action Network

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77th WHA Individual Statements

Agenda Item: 
- Item 17 Draft fourteenth general programme of work, 2025–2028

The 14th GPW should highlight WHO’s critical role in:
The protection of breastfeeding throughout all WHO local offices – with particular focus on evolving digital marketing strategies.
Ensuring policy coherence in WTO, Codex and trade rules that impact on health. This will prevent MS facing time wasting challenges.
Ensuring that WHO's ‘operational’ activities do not undermine its essential science and norm-setting role
Ensure that efforts to streamline operations do not prevent the adoption of Resolutions that save children’s lives.
In addition, WHO’s Conflict of interest policy and FENSA must be strengthened to safeguard WHO’s independence, integrity and trustworthiness.
Any funding in excess of Member States assessed contributions must be flexible, with anonymous donations forbidden.