Global Health Council, Inc.

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77th WHA Constituency Statements

Agenda Item: 
17. Draft fourteenth general programme of work, 2025–2028

The Global Health Council and partners recognize WHO’s historic commitment to consult with civil society and youth - outside of just NSAs in Official Relations with WHO - in drafting its general programmes of work - and particularly the GPW14. These consultations ensure that the GPW14 addresses the needs of all people including the most vulnerable and marginalized populations.

We ask that WHO and Member States continue to support and strengthen engagement with civil society, including young people, marginalized communities, and other key actors at the country, regional, and global levels through these types of consultations, as well as through the inaugural WHO Civil Society Commission. We also fully support Slovenia and Thailand’s Social Participation resolution, and ask that Member States create and financially support social participation platforms to reach each of the GPW14 strategic objectives. It is imperative that civil society feedback is given due weight and consideration, and that the feedback process remains transparent and accountable.

We welcome the development of the monitoring framework and emphasize the need to monitor not just service coverage and financial protection, but also the quality and access of people-centered health services. Effective indicators are vital for measuring equitable service delivery.

We emphasize the need to radically reorient health systems towards a people-centered primary health care approach so that all people have access to quality health services, including sexual and reproductive health across the life course.
Furthermore, achieving progress towards SDGs requires prioritizing the health and care workforce within health systems. Taking into account that women constitute 70% of health care professionals globally, integrating gender-responsive approaches into health workforce planning and management can help address gender disparities in health outcomes and advance progress towards achieving UHC.

Lastly, as we approach the WHO Investment Round, we ask that Member States provide WHO with adequate and flexible financing for the implementation of the GPW14. Without financial backing, the GPW14 will not be operational and the international community will continue to face significant delays in reaching its SDG 3.