STEPS is a household survey of NCD risk factors among adults aged 18 to 69 years.

Showing 76-90 of 140

STEPS 2002
Marshall Islands, 2002
Ministry of Health
Collection: STEPS
ID: MHL_2002_STEPS_v01 Last modified: May 11, 2020 Views: 7548
Licensed data files
STEPS 2006, Nouakchott
Mauritania, 2006
Ministry of Health
Collection: STEPS
ID: MRT_2006_STEPS_v01 Last modified: May 04, 2023 Views: 7965
Licensed data files
STEPS 2016, Chuuk
Micronesia (Federated States of), 2016
Federated States of Micronesia Department of Health and Social Affairs, Department of Health Services of the State of Chuuk, FSM
Collection: STEPS
ID: FSM_2016_STEPS_v01 Last modified: Feb 11, 2020 Views: 12273
Licensed data files
STEPS 2009, Kosrae
Micronesia (Federated States of), 2009
FSM Department of Health and Social Affairs
Collection: STEPS
ID: FSM_2009_STEPS-KSA_v01 Last modified: Mar 02, 2020 Views: 7873
Licensed data files
STEPS 2009, Yap
Micronesia (Federated States of), 2009
Ministry of Health and Social Affars
Collection: STEPS
ID: FSM_2009_STEPS-YAP_v01 Last modified: Mar 02, 2020 Views: 7511
Licensed data files
STEPS 2008, Pohnpei
Micronesia (Federated States of), 2008
FSM Department of Health and Social Affairs, Pohnpei State Department of Health Services
Collection: STEPS
ID: FSM_2008_STEPS_v01 Last modified: Mar 02, 2020 Views: 9824
Licensed data files
STEPS 2006, Chuuk
Micronesia (Federated States of), 2006
Federated States of Micronesia Department of Health and Social Affairs, Department of Health Services of the State of Chuuk, FSM
Collection: STEPS
ID: FSM_2006_STEPS_v01 Last modified: Jan 02, 2020 Views: 7264
Licensed data files
STEPS 2002, Pohnpei
Micronesia (Federated States of), 2002
FSM Dept of Health and Social Affairs, Pohnpei State Dept of Health Services, Micronesia Human Resource Development Center, Fiji School of Medicine, Centre for Physical Activity and Health, Univ of Sydney
Collection: STEPS
ID: FSM_2002_STEPS-PNI_v01 Last modified: Aug 14, 2023 Views: 8884
Licensed data files
STEPS 2019
Mongolia, 2019
Ministry of Health, Public Health Institute
Collection: STEPS
ID: MNG_2019_STEPS_v01 Last modified: Feb 18, 2021 Views: 21163
Licensed data files
STEPS 2013
Mongolia, 2013
Public Health Institute
Collection: STEPS
ID: MNG_2013_STEPS_v01 Last modified: Jan 02, 2020 Views: 11073
Licensed data files
STEPS 2009
Mongolia, 2009
Ministry of Health
Collection: STEPS
ID: MNG_2009_STEPS_v01 Last modified: Jan 02, 2020 Views: 9129
Licensed data files
STEPS 2005
Mongolia, 2005
Ministry of Health
Collection: STEPS
ID: MNG_2005_STEPS_v01 Last modified: Apr 07, 2020 Views: 6482
Licensed data files
STEPS 2017
Morocco, 2017
Ministry of Health
Collection: STEPS
ID: MAR_2017_STEPS_v01 Last modified: May 04, 2023 Views: 13654
Licensed data files
STEPS 2005
Mozambique, 2005
Ministry of Health, National Institute of Statistics
Collection: STEPS
ID: MOZ_2005_STEPS_v01 Last modified: Apr 07, 2020 Views: 6584
Licensed data files
STEPS 2005
Namibia, 2005
Ministry of Health
Collection: STEPS
ID: NAM_2005_STEPS_v01 Last modified: Apr 07, 2020 Views: 3261
Licensed data files
Showing 76-90 of 140
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