WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

A database of resources covering mental health, substance abuse, disability, general health, human rights and development

Together doing more and better: Medium Term Strategic Framework

The Presidency of the Republic of South Africa Country Resources Development and Poverty Strategies South Africa 29 July 2009 Policy document

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A framework to guide government’s programme from 2009 – 2014\\The following objectives are identified:

- Halve poverty and unemployment by 2014
- Ensure a more equitable distribution of the benefits of economic growth and reduce inequality
- Improve the nation’s health profile and skills base and ensure universal access to basic services
- Improve the safety of citizens by reducing incidents of crime and corruption
- Build a nation free of all forms of racism, sexism, tribalism and xenophobia.

The priority areas to give effect to the above strategic objectives are:
- More inclusive economic growth, decent work and sustainable livelihoods
- Economic and social infrastructure
- Rural development, food security and land reform
- Access to quality education
- Improved healthcare
- The fight against crime and corruption
- Cohesive and sustainable communities
- Creation of a better Africa and a better world
- Sustainable resource management and use
- A developmental state, including improvement of public services.


English, 927.6 kB pdf

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