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Office of Healthy Aging 2023 Strategic Plan

Rhode Island Office of Healthy Aging Country Resources Older Persons General Health Policies, Laws, Strategies & Plans, Service Standards Policy document

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Rhode Island’s older adult population is growing rapidly, with over 30 percent of Rhode Islanders aged 55 or older versus 28 percent nationally. The Rhode Island Office of Healthy Aging (OHA) – formerly the Division of Elderly Affairs – is the State’s chief advocate for older residents and adults with disabilities. Informed by extensive community input, the OHA 2023 Strategic Plan is designed to accelerate efforts to shift Rhode Island’s narrative and approach to aging and better meet the demands of OHA’s growing and vital constituency. The plan will serve as a blueprint for action to strengthen organizational operations and program offerings – helping those we serve live well. Our plan is anchored in a person-first philosophy that recognizes people’s needs and desires are diverse and multi-dimensional as they age. Seventy-two measurable goals are included in the plan, organized by the OHA pillar they support: choice, connection, equity, safety, or performance. We believe the best ways to support people are to listen to them, respond to what we learn, and meet people where they are. Through 2023, OHA will continue to ensure our work is responsive to people’s lived experiences by being present in the community, soliciting input from our constituents, and taking a place-based approach to service delivery.


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