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National Youth Policy 2015–2020

Republic of South Africa The Presidency Country Resources Child and Youth General Policies, Laws, Strategies & Plans, Service Standards South Africa 1 January 2015 Policy document

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The goal of the NYP 2020 is to consolidate youth initiatives that enhance the capabilities of young people to transform the economy and society. This will be achieved by addressing their needs; promoting positive outcomes, opportunities, choices and relationships; and providing the support necessary to develop all young people, particularly those outside the social, political and economic mainstream. This policy emphasises the need for various youth development efforts and interventions that holistically respond to all aspects or spheres of young people’s lives.
The objectives of the NYP 2020 are to: Consolidate and integrate youth development into the mainstream of government policies, programmes and the national budget; Strengthen the capacity of key youth development institutions and ensure integration and coordination in the delivery of youth services; Build the capacity of young people to enable them to take charge of their own well-being by building their assets and realising their potential; Strengthen a culture of patriotic citizenship among young people and to help them become responsible adults who care for their families and communities; Foster a sense of national cohesion, while acknowledging the country’s diversity, and inculcate a spirit of patriotism by encouraging visible and active participation in different youth initiatives, projects and nation-building activities.


English, 303.2 kB pdf

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