WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

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National Policy on Older Persons and Ageing

Ministry of Labour Social Security & Services Country Resources Kenya 2014 Policy document

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The policy provides a comprehensive framework to address the unique
challenges that older persons in Kenya face, and recognition of their rights,
as distinct right holders and participants as per Article 57 of the Constitution.
The policy also takes cognizance of the fact that ageing is a process which
starts from the time one is born and hence the need to prepare for old age in
human development.

The policy recognizes that older persons are an important segment of the
National Population whose rights must be recognized, respected, protected
and promoted. It is clear that the population of the older persons is growing
rapidly due to wealth, better health, improved nutrition, and advance
technology in treatment, early intervention and cure of diseases that have
increased life expectancy. This is a major success and represent potential in
terms of working power, qualifications, experiences, which Kenya needs to
tap and use productively, even after retirement of 60 years. People are
retiring from productive work when stronger than before with a wealth of
knowledge, skills, talents, wisdom and energy. In principle, this policy
endeavors to strengthen intergeneration solidarity among generations,
facilitate interaction and respect among all ages and generations, and
aspire for an inclusive society.


English, 650.2 kB pdf

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