WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

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National Plan of Action for Children in Kenya 2015-2022

National Council for Children's Services Country Resources Kenya 2015 Policy document

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After the expiry of the NPA 2004-2008, the NPA 2008-2012 was developed through the co-ordination of the National Council for Children’s Services, and successfully implemented. Major gains were made in the pillars of Survival, Development, Protection and Participation. The Council reviewed the NPA 2008-2012 through a consultative process with key partners and stakeholders. The findings of the NPA 2008-2012 formed the basis of the NPA 2015-2022, which is aligned to the Medium Term Plans of Kenya Vision 2030.

It is expected that the NPA 2015-2022 will assist and continue to strengthen efforts to establish a mechanism for co-ordination throughout the country and, trigger further allocation of adequate resources to support children rights at both national and local levels.


English, 1.1 MB pdf

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