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The National Policy and Strategic Framework for Prevention and Control of Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases (2010)

Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka Government of Sri Lanka Country Resources General Health Policies Sri Lanka 1 January 2010 Policy document

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The government of Sri Lanka acknowledges that the prevention and control of chronic NCDs is a priority issue in the national health agenda and the National Health Master plan 2007-2016 as these diseases lower the quality of life, impair the economic growth of the country and place a heavy and rising demand on families and national budgets. It is recognized that a significant proportion of the NCD burden is preventable if evidence-based policies are in place and relevant programmers are implemented. A national policy and strategic framework are essential to give chronic NCDs an appropriate priority and to organize resources efficiently.
Considering these facts, the Ministry of Health & Nutrition has formulated the National policy prevention and control of chronic Non-communicable diseases. The emphasis of the National NCD policy is on promoting health and well-being of the population by preventing chronic NCDs associated with shared modifiable risk factors, providing acute and preventing chronic NCDs associated with shared modifiable risk factors, providing acute and integrated long-term care for people with NCDs, and maximizing their quality of life. The relevant strategic framework including nine key strategies is detailed in the latter half of this policy document. It is expected that these key strategies will thereafter be reflected in the corresponding work plans of all stakeholders. The National NCD policy will be reviewed in response to changing needs and updated in 5 years


English, 268.6 kB pdf

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