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National Strategic Framework For Development of Health Services 2016-2025

Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka Government of Sri Lanka Country Resources General Health Strategies and Plans Sri Lanka 1 January 2016 Policy document

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The present Health system of Sri Lanka comprises of three main divisions ( a ) Health Administration ( b ) Preventive Services ( c ) Curative Services. Considering the demand for services, it has been decided to add a few additional divisions to improve the efficiency of the Sri Lankan Health system for 2016 - 2025. ( eg - Rehabilitation Servicers as a separate and new division ) Thus in this new national strategic framework, the following divisions are separately discussed
 Health Administration & HRH
 Curative Services
 Preventive Services
 Rehabilitation Services
 Health Financing
Each of the aforementioned Five Divisions of Health System will be discussed in the pages to follow, under several Thematic areas. The major planning issues which had been identified under each thematic area, are presented with the relevant strategic framework designed to address the said issues. (The relevant program managers to develop major activities and detailed action plans - which should be presented in the profile of the relevant program in the next Health Strategic Master Plan).


English, 1.6 MB pdf

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