WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

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Royal Government of Cambodia Country Resources Older Persons General Policies, Laws, Strategies & Plans and service standards Cambodia 25 August 2017 Policy document

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With the aim of ensuring a comprehensive national ageing policy and taking into account the projected demographic changes and the need to mainstream ageing into the development planning process, the revised Policy is revised based on three fundamental concepts: (1) to eliminate age-based discrimination so that older persons are guaranteed the same rights as younger persons and treated on par with them in all respects; (2) to ensure gender equality by focussing more on women who form the majority of the older population and are more vulnerable than their male contemporaries and (3) to promote intergenerational relations so as to maintain the strength of the joint family system, a hallmark of Khmer culture.
The overall vision of the Policy is to ensure that older persons are enabled to fully participate with freedom and dignity for as long as they wish to in family, community, economic, social, religious, and political activities; and that younger persons are better equipped with knowledge that enables them to lead a more productive, healthy, active and dignified life in old age.


English, 3.6 MB pdf

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