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AGENDA FOR TRANSFORMATION Steps Toward Liberia RISING 2030 Liberia's Medium Term Economic Growth and Development Strategy (2012 - 2017)

Republic of Liberia Ministry of Planning and Economic Affairs Country Resources Development and Poverty Strategies Liberia 2013 Policy document

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The Agenda for Transformation (AfT) is the Government of Liberia’s five-year development strategy. It follows the Lift Liberia Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS), which raised Liberia from post-conflict emergency reconstruction and positioned it for future growth. The AfT in itself will not be able to achieve all that Liberia is poised to do. Rather it is the first step in achieving the goals set out in Liberia Rising 2030, Liberia’s long-term vision of socio-economic development. The AfT sets out precise goals and objectives that Liberia will achieve in the next five years in order to take the necessary steps toward its long-term goals, which are to become a more prosperous and a more inclusive society.

Chapters 1 and 2 in Section I highlight the history from which Liberia has emerged, the work that has been done in the reconstruction phase, and the vision of where Liberia is heading. Chapters 3 and 4 describe the internal and external context of the AfT. Chapter 3 reviews the features of geography, population and poverty in Liberia while Chapter 4 highlights the regional and global trends and the subsequent opportunities and risks that they pose to Liberia’s development agenda.

In Section II, Chapter 5 outlines the process of developing this strategy, its relation to other strategic plans, including the Vision 2030, and the collaborative process from which it emerged. Chapter 6 reviews the accomplishments and lessons learned from the predecessor to the AfT, the first PRS of Liberia. Informed by those lessons of the past, this chapter also outlines key principles that are internalized in the AfT and in its strategic choices. Chapter 7 describes the objectives of the AfT, and describes the structure of the strategy.

Chapters 8 through 12 in Section III constitute the heart of the strategy. They describe the specific goals and objectives across five pillars that Liberia plans to achieve in the next five years and the constraints that it will need to overcome to do so. Chapters 13 and 14 in Section IV discuss the costing and funding of the strategy. Chapter 15 discusses its monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework. Finally, Section V describes the risks to the realization of the strategy and how they can be mitigated.


English, 1.9 MB pdf

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