WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

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Programa Nacional de Salud Integral de Adolescentes y Jóvenes - Orientaciones Administrativas para el Control de Salud Integral de Adolescentes - "Control Joven Sano" (National Programme for Adolescent and Young Persons health - Administrative Guidelines for Management of Adolescent Health - "Healthy youth check-up")

Gobierno De Chile Ministerio de Salud Country Resources Child and Youth General Health Policies, Laws, Strategies & Plans, Service Standards Chile 1 April 2012 Guidelines

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El objetivo general de este documento es de entregar orientaciones administrativas a la Red de Servicios Pública, para la implementación en el nivel primario del Control de Salud Integral del Adolescente: "Control Joven Sano" constituyéndose en una herramienta de consulta para profesionales que trabajan y atienden a esta población objetivo. Constituye asimismo, una relevante estrategia del Programa, por cuanto esta acción, es la puerta de entrada al sistema de salud para el grupo de adolescentes y jóvenes, permitiendo actuar frente al riesgo y a la enfermedad, con un enfoque preventivo, en el marco de derechos y de los determinantes sociales de la salud.

The objective of this document is to provide administrative guidelines to the Public Health Services Network for the implementation at the primary level of the Comprehensive Adolescent Health Check-up: "Healthy Youth Check-up", constituting a consultation tool for professionals who work with and care for this target population. It is also a relevant strategy of the Program that it provides a gateway to the health system for adolescents and young people, allowing them to act against risk and disease with a preventive approach, within the framework of rights and social health factors.


Spanish, 569 kB pdf

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