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Mental Health (Renewal Orders) Act 2018

Government of Ireland Country Resources Mental Health Legislation, Regulations and Implementation Guides Ireland 3 October 2018 Legislation/regulation

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An Act to permit unexpired renewal orders to be replaced by new orders made under this Act; to provide that such new orders shall take effect as if they were renewal orders made under section 15 (3) of the Mental Health Act 2001 as amended by this Act; to amend section 15 of the Mental Health Act 2001 to provide that the maximum period of detention for a patient which may be provided for in a renewal order made under that section is 6 months; to provide that the patient, or his or her legal representative, has a right, in the case of a renewal order made for a period exceeding 3 months and in addition to any other right of review under the Mental Health Act 2001 , to apply, not earlier than 3 months from the date on which the renewal order was made, for such renewal order to be reviewed by a tribunal in order for the tribunal to satisfy itself whether or not such patient is suffering from a mental disorder; to make consequential amendments to certain other provisions of the Mental Health Act 2001 ; and to provide for related matters.


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