WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

A database of resources covering mental health, substance abuse, disability, general health, human rights and development

Estrategía de salud mental para personas mayores (Mental Health strategy for older persons)

Gobierno De Chile; Servicio Nacional del Adulto Mayor (SENAMA) Ministerio de Salud Country Resources Older Persons Mental Health Policies, Laws, Strategies & Plans, Service Standards Mental Health Strategies and Plans Chile Report

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El presente documento recopila las recomendaciones de la mesa técnica para la implementación de una estrategia para el abordaje integral de la salud mental de las personas mayores y sus entornos de apoyo en Chile. La estrategia presentada en este documento, nos plantea la necesidad de generar un plan de acción que oriente la concretización de las propuestas y un mecanismo de seguimiento de dicha implementación. Pretende también ser un aporte para una política no sólo a corto plazo de esta temática, sino también ser la base para garantizar un futuro exitoso.

This document compiles the recommendations of the working committee for the implementation of a strategy for a comprehensive approach to the mental health of older persons and their support networks in Chile. The strategy presented in this document highlights the need to formulate an action plan to guide the implementation of the proposals and to ensure they are carried out effectively. It also intends to be a contribution not only to a short-term policy on this issue, but also to be the basis for future success in this area.


Spanish, 1.9 MB pdf

WHO collates and provides external links to resources focusing on mental health, disability, general health, human rights and development but does not specifically endorse particular laws, policies, plans or other documents from countries or organisations. WHO also does not warrant that the information in this record is correct or refers to the most up-to-date version. Please read the site disclaimer for further details. If this record contains an error or is outdated, please notify us.