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Rights, respect and recovery: action plan

Scottish Government Population Health Directorate Country Resources Substance Abuse Strategies and Plans Scotland 31 October 2019 Policy document

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This Action Plan sets out the actions, milestones and timeframes for activity to implement Rights
Respect and Recovery – Scotland’s Strategy to Improve Health by Preventing and Reducing
Alcohol and Drug Use, Harms and Related Deaths. It will be refreshed on an on-going basis as
new activity is scoped and new challenges emerge. It currently covers the time period up to 31
March 2021.

Rights, Respect and Recovery is Scotland’s strategy to address alcohol and drug harms and
deaths in Scotland.

The Action Plan is based around four Ministerial priorities which map on to the chapter headings
within Rights, Respect and Recovery. These cover:
1. Education, prevention and early intervention on alcohol and drugs
2. A recovery orientated approach which reduces harms and prevents alcohol and drugs deaths
3. A whole family approach on alcohol and drugs
4. A public health approach to justice for alcohol and drugs


English, 386.4 kB pdf

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