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National Strategy for Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs)

Ministry of Public Health Afghanistan; General Directorate of Preventive Medicine; Noncommunicable Diseases Control Directorate Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Country Resources General Health Strategies and Plans Afghanistan 1 January 2015 Policy document

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The national noncommunicable disease strategy identifies a number of specific strategic objectives. The achievement of these objectives requires leadership by the MoPH working in close collaboration with the relevant governmental and development partners. The objectives spell out prioritized areas in the context of Afghanistan that are considered to have important impact on the health and well-being of the population. The relevant MoPH departments will be mobilized to contribute to achieving the objectives of this strategy. The strategic objectives are inspired by the national context and are based on the burden of noncommunicable diseases as well as the global recommendations such as the WHO’s global action plan for noncommunicable diseases. The strategic objectives are:
1. To advocate for and raise NCDs priority, as well as integrate NCD in the development work at national level.
2. To introduce interventions through which the main shared, modifiable risk factors
3. To strengthen national health systems response to address NCDs including road injuries prevention
4. To strengthen the evidence base for the prevention and control of NCDs
5. To promote partnerships for the prevention and control of NCDs
6. To monitor implementation of the NCDs prevention and control interventions and evaluate progress at the national level


English, 696.5 kB pdf

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