WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

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Wirksamkeit des Rechtsschutzes bei psychiatrischen Zwangseinweisungen in der Schweiz (Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Legal Protection Regarding Forced Admissions in Switzerland)

Ministry of Health Government of Switzerland Country Resources Evaluation of Policy, Law, Strategies, Plans, and Services Switzerland Report

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Das Gutachten gibt einen Überblick über die rechtlichen Grundlagen im geltenden Vormundschaftsrechtwie und im Erwachsenenschutzrecht. In einer IST-Analyse der Praxis von Zwangseinweisungen wird untersucht, in welchen Bereichen die rechtliche Regelung und ihre Umsetzung Schwachstellen aufweist. Die Häufigkeit von Zwangseinweisungen in der Schweiz wird aufgrund der vorhandenen statistischen Daten beurteilt und international verglichen. Sodann sollen Beispiele guter Praxis und Empfehlungen dazu beitragen, die Zahl der Zwangseinweisungen zu reduzieren.

The report gives an overview of the legal basis in the existing guardianship law and in adult protection law. An analysis of the practice of forced admissions examines the areas in which the laws and its implementation show weaknesses. The frequency of forced admissions in Switzerland is assessed on the basis of the available statistical data and compared internationally. Examples of good practice and recommendations will help to reduce the number of forced admissions.


German, 433.8 kB pdf

WHO collates and provides external links to resources focusing on mental health, disability, general health, human rights and development but does not specifically endorse particular laws, policies, plans or other documents from countries or organisations. WHO also does not warrant that the information in this record is correct or refers to the most up-to-date version. Please read the site disclaimer for further details. If this record contains an error or is outdated, please notify us.