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Northern Territory Strategic Framework for Suicide Prevention

Australia Department of Health, Northern Territory Government Country Resources Suicide Prevention Northern Territory 31 December 2003 Policy document

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A framework for the prevention of suicide and self-harm in the Northern Territory 2003

The six areas for action in this Strategic Framework are based on the LIFE framework
and include supporting rationales, evidence base and strategies for each action area

Action Area 1 — Promoting wellbeing, resilience and community capacity
across the NT. Enhance protection against suicide by strengthening wellbeing,
optimism, connectedness, resilience, health and capacity across the entire community,
with a particular focus on young people and their families.

Action Area 2 — Enhancing protective factors and reducing risk factors for
suicide and self-harm across the NT. Support initiatives that reduce risk factors and
promote protective factors for suicide and self-harm, giving increasing attention to
‘critical periods’ or transition points through the life course where interventions have the
potential to be most effective.

Action Area 3 — Services and support within the community for groups at
increased risk. Improve the ability of a wide range of services, systems and support
networks to meet the needs of groups at increased risk of suicide and self-harm, through
prevention, recognition and response.

Action Area 4 — Services for individuals at high risk. Strengthen effective
responses to individuals at particular risk to reduce and respond to suicidal behaviour.

Action Area 5 — Partnerships with Indigenous people. Provide culturally
appropriate programs that support community responses to high rates of suicide in
Indigenous communities.

Action Area 6 — Progressing the evidence base for suicide prevention and
good practice. Ensure that programs have the greatest chance of benefit and minimum
risk of harm by building the evidence base, sharing good practice and providing
education and training.

To ensure that you are accessing the most recent version of the document, please visit
The Northern Territory - Department of Health’s Publication page at:



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