WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

A database of resources covering mental health, substance abuse, disability, general health, human rights and development

EM/RC58/R.8 /2011; Strategy for mental health and substance abuse in the Eastern Mediterranean Region 2012–2016

WHO Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean WHO Resources WHO Regional Strategies and Action Plans 1 October 2011 Resolution

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EM/RC58/R.8 /2011; Strategy for mental health and substance abuse in the Eastern Mediterranean Region 2012–2016

URGES Member States to:
2.1 Review and update national health policies, strategies and plans in line with the regional
strategy to ensure that mental health and substance use are identified as a priority public health
issue with commensurate allocation of resources;

2.2 Review, develop and update mental health legislation to ensure conformity with internationsl
human rights standards;

2.3 Set up a national multisectoral mechanism with the involvement of concerned ministries and
relevant sectors, including civil society, with the Ministry of Health taking the lead, in order to
coordinate, plan and monitor the implementation of the national mental health and substance
use strategies/plans of action;

2.4 Integrate and strengthen mental health and substance use prevention and care services within the existing health system, including primary health care as well as secondary and tertiary
levels, ensuring a multidisciplinary approach;

2.5 Promote mental health literacy and improve the teaching of mental health as a basic subject in university curricula, in order to prevent mental and substance use disorders, promote mental
health, and minimize stigma and discrimination;
2.6 Promote applied research and build up the capacity to undertake research in the area of mental health and substance abuse;


English, 51.3 kB pdf