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Strategy and plan of action on mental health (2010-2019)

Pan American Health Organization WHO Resources WHO Regional Strategies and Action Plans 28 September 2009 Policy document

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The Strategy and Plan of Action embodies the experience gained in the Americas, particularly over the last two decades, and expresses the commitment of the governments of the Region. Implementation covers a 10-year period (2010-2019).

Principles and values:
a) Universality, access, and inclusion.
b) Equity in mental health.
c) Pan American solidarity, understood as collaboration among countries.
d) Respect for the fundamental human rights of people with mental disorders.
e) Social participation in the design, implementation, and evaluation of mental health policies.
f ) Use of the best available scientific evidence.
g) Additional protection on mental health matters for vulnerable groups.
h) Mental health considered within community historical and cultural frameworks.
i) Mental health as a component of comprehensive health care.
j) Responsibility and accountability.

Vision: The Pan American Health Organization heads collaborative efforts for Member States to attain the enjoyment of optimal mental health by all people of the Americas and to foster the well-being of their families and communities.

Purpose: Strengthen the integrated response of the health sector and other related sectors, through the implementation of appropriate plans for the promotion of mental health and the prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of mental and substance use disorders, grounded in the best available scientific evidence.


English, 1.6 MB pdf