WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

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National mål for sundhedsvæsenet (National goals for the health service)

Ministry of Health Government of Denmark Country Resources General Health Strategies and Plans Denmark 29 April 2016 Policy document

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De nationale mål skal sikre, at alle sundhedsvæsenets aktører – sygehusene, kommunerne og almen praksis – arbejder i en tydelig og fælles retning mod højere kvalitet og samtidig gøre det lettere at overskue, hvor der er behov for forbedringer.

The national goals seek to ensure that all actors in the health service - hospitals, municipalities and general practice - are working together in a clear and common direction towards higher quality and also making it easier to see where improvements are needed.

De otte nationale mål er:

- Bedre sammenhængende patientforløb
- Styrket indsats for kronikere og ældre patienter
- Forbedret overlevelse og patientsikkerhed
- Behandling af høj kvalitet
- Hurtig udredning og behandling
- Øget patientinddragelse
- Flere sunde leveår
- Mere effektivt sundhedsvæsen

The eight national goals are:
- More coherent patient experiences
- Addressing chronic patients and elderly patients
- Improved survival and patient safety
- Treatment of high quality
- Rapid assessment and treatment
- Increased patient involvement
- More healthy years of life
- More efficient health care/service


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