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Quality 2020: A 10-Year Strategy to Protect and Improve Quality in Health and Social Care in Northern Ireland

Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety Country Resources General Health Strategies and Plans Northern Ireland Policy document

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Quality 2020 will provide a vision of what we can achieve, a mission statement of how to get there, and specific goals and objectives to make that vision become a reality over the 10 years. It will give us the long-term perspective needed to plan and design future services and deliver outcomes to the highest quality possible.

There are already many examples, often recognised internationally, of high quality or excellence within health and social care in Northern Ireland. Such examples, based on recent evidence, include the focus on early years and early interventions, the treatment of cancer and head injuries, neurosurgery, innovative mental health facilities, the new health and care centres with their one-stop approach to treatment and care, and many others. But even more importantly, there are also thousands of individual staff who apply great skill with compassion, giving patients and clients the best possible outcome and experience of care at times of personal crisis. They show an unshakeable determination to deliver high quality care, whatever the constraints.

Consequently, this strategy has the great advantage of building on an already very strong foundation, while still recognising that no system is beyond improvement. There is a clear imperative to remain committed to continuous improvement, to maintain high standards and to achieve even higher degrees of excellence – in other words, to protect and improve quality.


English, 1.2 MB pdf

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