WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

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Regeringens åtgärdsprogram för alkohol-, narkotika-, dopnings- och tobakspolitiken 2011 (The Government's Action Plan for Alcohol, Drugs , Doping and Tobacco Policy, 2011)

The Swedish Government Offices Country Resources Substance Abuse Policies, Substance Abuse Strategies and Plans Sweden 30 May 2011 Policy document

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The ANDT (Alcohol, Narcotics, Doping, and Tobacco) action plan is clearly linked to the implementation of the strategy's objectives and direction, and to the funds that the government set aside for this purpose.

The ANDT action plan aims to facilitate the cross-sectoral coordination needed to guide all stakeholders at the national, regional and local level. In addition, the plan contributes to the overall follow-up required to evaluate whether the government has reached its target for ANDT Policy.The action plan is therefore based on the same structure as ANDT strategy with the inclusion of cohesive ANDT political goals, seven long-term goals and a number of national priority targets to be achieved during the strategy period.

In this action plan, the government decided to concretise the efforts that continued or initiated in 2011 to achieve the primary objectives. The aim is that, as far as possible at this early stage, indicate which multi-annual investments that the government will give priority to, and which authorities or other actors are responsible or included in the coordination of this annual action plan.


Swedish, 2 MB pdf

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