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Health Policy for the Government of Southern Sudan, 2006 - 2011

Ministry of Health, Government of South Sudan Country Resources General Health Policies South Sudan Policy document

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The Health Policy of the Government of Southern Sudan clearly defines the vision and guiding principles of the Health Sector in Southern Sudan to the overall context within which all health and health related work should be developed, implemented and outcomes achieved within the set time frame.

The guiding principles of the Health Policy emphasise on the need for effective approach and strategy to address several health problems in Southern Sudan, especially health issues leading to high morbidity and mortality. An example is the development of the basic package of health care that is aimed to be implemented both in the public sector and in contracted out services at State and County level throughout Southern Sudan. The policy also focuses on ensuring the effective implementation of evidence based public health interventions, as well as disease prevention and health promotion.


English, 380.3 kB pdf

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