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The Tenth Plan (Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper)

National Planning Commission Nepal Country Resources Development and Poverty Strategies Nepal Policy document

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The Summary Paper begins with a brief discussion of the Tenth Plan's preparation
process and highlights its key elements in this regard—country ownership, participatory
preparation and the dissemination and feedback process involving virtually all key segments
of the Nepali public (Section II). Section III reviews the development efforts undertaken in
the recent past, particularly through the Ninth Plan (1997/98-2001/02), and the key lessons
learned from this experience. The dimensions of Nepal's poverty problem, its manifestations
and determinants, and its linkages with the ongoing social disorder are then discussed in
Section IV. Section V outlines the poverty reduction strategy of the Tenth Plan, its key
sectoral programs and activities, and complementary policies and reforms, which are deemed
necessary to achieve them. The macroeconomic frameworks within which the poverty
reduction strategy, programs and activities will have to be implemented, and how these
programs will be adjusted from time to time, given the inherent uncertainties of predicting
resources, are then discussed in Section VI. That section also briefly discusses how the
government intends to cope with the inherent downside risks which are difficult to predict at
this stage, and how it will protect priority programs and activities in order to maximize the
poverty-reducing impact of the Plan. The implementation, monitoring and evaluation
modalities that are necessary to ensure effective implementation of the Plan, and key tools
and instruments, which will be used in this regard, are discussed in Section VII. The policy
matrix of the Plan linking the overall poverty reduction strategy with sectoral programs and
activities and the Government's Plan of key Immediate Actions (IAP) are shown as Annex 1
and 2. The macroeconomic framework with projected indicators of the Tenth Plan has been
presented in Annex 3.


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