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National Youth Strategy 2009-2024

Government of Hungary Country Resources Child and Youth General Policies, Laws, Strategies & Plans, Service Standards Hungary 1 November 2008 Policy document

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The document defines comprehensive, horizontal and specific objectives and the related partial objectives. The method and order of and the persons responsible for the implementation of the partial objectives must be included in the current short term action programmes relating to the Strategy and have to be approved by the Government. In addition to the governmental, local governmental and market actors the non-profit sector may also undertake significant roles in the implementation of the Strategy.

The National Youth Strategy aims to be free of ideologies, avoiding the presentation of differences of opinion arising from the socio-political views of the parties. The 9 document outlines goals, but leaves the designation of the path to such goals to the scope of the current Government. In addition, the Strategy is not indifferent to values, as it lays an emphasis on issues (such as the family, prevention, social safety), which are of key significance from the aspect of the life situation and success of children, adolescents and young people.


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