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Guyana Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper 2011-2015

Ministry of Finance Country Resources Development and Poverty Strategies Guyana 1 July 2011 Policy document

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The poverty reduction agenda for 2011 - 2015 is rooted in the Government’s vision of the medium-term that centers on (i) high value employment creation; (ii) improved standards of living; (iii) dramatic reduction in poverty; (iv) the rule of law and public safety; (v) protection of individual constitutional rights; and (v) investments in human resource development. The path to attaining this vision is encapsulated in several interlocking and coherent strategies that include National Competitiveness Strategy; Education Sector Strategy; Health Sector Strategy; Housing Sector Strategy; Low Carbon Development Strategy; and) National Development Strategy.

This PRSP rest on the following pillars (i)broad-based, low-carbon led job creation economic growth; (ii) stronger governance institutional, and regulatory structures; (iii) accelerated investment in human capital, and primary health; (iv) accelerated investment in physical infrastructure in support of growth strategy; and (v) special intervention programmes to address regional and demographic pockets of poverty

Each pillar by itself will not guarantee the success of the medium term development strategy. Importantly, the outcome of the actions in each pillar also requires inputs from other pillars. Therefore, for the successful implementation of the medium-term development agenda, cross cutting issues such as disaster risk management, security, crime and violence, environmental sustainability, literacy, health care and improved business environment will be tackled.


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