WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

A database of resources covering mental health, substance abuse, disability, general health, human rights and development

La Estrategia Gente Saludable 2010-2015 (The Health People Strategy 2010-2015)

Instituto de Salud Publica Country Resources General Health Strategies and Plans Madrid 7 June 2010 Policy document

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La Estrategia Gente Saludable (EGS) es el compromiso del ayuntamiento de Madrid, hasta el final de la presente legislature, para avanzar en la prevención y la promoción de la salud de los madrileños. Este compromiso electoral e institucional se recoge en su Programa Operativo de Gobierno. Algunas de las claves de esta estrategia son: 1. La salud en todas las políticas municipales 2. La combinación de estrategias de alto riesgo con estrategias poblacionales. 3. Equidad en salud.

The Healthy People Strategy is the commitment of the Madrid City Council, until the end of the current parliamentary term (2015), to advance the prevention and promotion of the health of the people of Madrid. This electoral and institutional commitment is collected in its operational programme of Government. Some keys objectives of this strategy are: 1. Health in all municipal policies 2. The combination of strategies to address high risk populations 3. Equity in health.


La Estrategia Gente Saludable
Spanish, 654.4 kB pdf

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