WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

A database of resources covering mental health, substance abuse, disability, general health, human rights and development

نظام المناطق 1992 (Law of the Provinces)

Government of Saudi Arabia Country Resources Constitutions Saudi Arabia 2 March 1992 Legislation/regulation

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أمر ملكي رقم أ/٩٢ بتاريخ ٢٧ / ٨ / ١٤١٢ هـ
يتضمن النظام ما يلي: بيان الهدف من النظام، كيفية تنظيم مناطق المملكة ومكونات كل منطقة، بيان واجبات ومهام أمير المنطقة ووكيله، والمحافظ، ومدير الناحية، ورئيس المركز. مكونات مجلس المنطقة، وبيان شروط الأعضاء وواجباتهم وصلاحياتهم، وما يتصل بأداء عملهم. بيان اختصاصات وواجبات ومسئوليات مجلس المنطقة، وما يتصل بأداء عمله من أحكام. تنظيم العمل بين الوزارات والمصالح الحكومية والمناطق.

Royal Order No. A/92 dated 27 / 8 / 1412 H
This Law includes:
• The objective of the Law.
• Classification of the Kingdom's provinces and the constituents of each province.
• Duties and tasks of the province’s prince or his deputy, the governor, county head, and the district chief.
• Constituents of the council of the province
• Requirements, responsibilities and authorities of the members as well as the issues related to the performance of their work
• Authorities, duties and responsibilities of the council of the province as well as provisions related to the performance of its work.
• Organization of work between ministries, government agencies and provinces


نظام المناطق
Arabic, 2.2 MB pdf

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